How to access XM Trading MT4 WebTrader?

  1. Click here to access the terminal.
  2. Real or demo account login information.
  3. You can trade online instantly with all the features of XMTrading MT4 WebTrader in both demo and trading accounts without downloading anything.

Simply enter your XM Trading login and password, select your trading server and click the login button.

Once you have logged in and established a connection to the designated server, you will be able to access your account immediately.

Access XM’s MT4 Web Trader

All trading features of XMTrading WebTrader are based on compatibility with MetaTrader 4.

With this, you can set new orders and settlements, set pre-orders, place direct orders, set and edit limit / stop orders, and create charts with just one click.

Available without download — Compatible with PC and macOS.

  • One-click trading
  • Select a period from the history tab
  • Open orders can be viewed on the chart
  • With double-decker cancellation settlement function
  • Properties such as graphs can be edited

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