Recently Frequently Asked Questions
Which Cryptocurrency is available on Exness MT4 and MT5?
List of Cryptocurrencies offered by Exness With Exness, you can trade Cryptocurrency pairs without owning a digital wallet. To star...
Which China Stocks (Shares) CFD does Exness offer on MT4 and MT5?
Invest in China Stocks on Exness Exness offers the following Chinese Stock CFDs on MT4 and MT5. To invest in Stock CFDs on Exness, ...
How to change the Leverage of Exness MT4/MT5?
To change the leverage of a specific trading account, follow these steps: Log in to the Exness personal information area. Tap the g...
Do Swap Points (Rollover Fees) change everyday?
Yes, in normal cases, Swap Points (rollover) fees may be debited or deposited from your account to keep your trading position open. T...
How much is it required to open orders on Exness MT4/MT5?
It is important to have enough funds to successfully open an order. Here's what you need to do before calculating your order: 1. Trans...
How can I trade on the weekends on Exness MT4/MT5?
Trading hours for most of the products offered are completely closed on weekends and cannot be traded. Click on the following link to ...
How can I partially hedge orders on Exness MT4/MT5?
Hedging orders, known as offset orders, are taking opposite positions on the same instrument. For example, you buy 1 lot of EURUSD an...
How currencies are converted by Exness?
The profit or loss incurred by trading is calculated in the quoted currency. Currency pairs consist of two currencies. The first is ca...
How to fix or delete Trailing Stop orders on Exness MT4/MT5?
If you have set Trailing Stop, you can also modify it. However, if you do not want to use it, it is better to remove it. Let's see ho...
What is Trailing Stop? How does it work?
Trailing Stop is a mechanism that automatically tracks stop loss for the current price of a specific order, set in point numbers. It ...
(Forex Broker)
Comment by Diletta
March 26, 2024
Awesome bonuses, good leverage. A few hiccups, but support rocks!