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This lecture is devoted to a discussion about the trader’s working psychology and the psychoanalysis behind their actions.

The psychology of human behavior is the key to understanding the current situation on the financial markets.

You can be a perfect analyst, able to predict the price and time orientation points to the ticks, but that does not make you a trader.

All ordinary and everyday feelings and aspirations emerge in severe market conditions like a chemical solution on litmus paper.

Feelings inherent to us (such as fear, greed, hope, etc.) in a fast stock exchange sometimes exert a crucial influence on the trader’s behavior.

The weak and the self-confident, the extremely greedy and the sluggish are all fated to be market victims.

The market crowd impact is able to transform the trader from an outsider into a winner, and from a lucky person into a vanquished one.

An awareness of your own abilities, preferences and limitations can help you avoid the collapse.

If you add to this an adequate evaluation skill of one’s own psychological state as well as the proper market participants’ behavior, then success is guaranteed.

Read more of SuperForex’s Online Lecture SuperForex Lecture 16 – Trading Psychology here.

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