Dividend through Libertex. Table of Contents

What are dividends?

Dividends are one of the main reasons that induce a trader to buy shares, in practice, they represent the portion of profits that a particular listed company distributes to its shareholders.

The amount of dividends is established by the directors of a company after having drawn up a balance sheet which represents the key factor in making investments necessary for the company itself.

It should be noted that not all dividends will be distributed, some of them will be withheld, being a portion of the company’s net assets that will legally remain in stock as an extraordinary reserve.

There are two different types of dividends.

Normal dividend.
That is the amount of profits that is normally distributed over the years.
Extraordinary dividend.
Profits not distributed regularly.

For example, in the event that a potential investor purchase shares in a company and at the end of the negotiations these have a value of 35.00 euros, with a pre-established dividend of 1.00 euros.

Immediately after the reopening of the markets, the value of the shares purchased by the trader would start from 34.00 euros and in the event the investor decides to sell, the gain due by right would be 1 euro, i.e. the actual amount of the dividend. .

Receive Dividends through Libertex

How to access the ForexClub dividend

The holders of the new ForexClub account will have to log in to the Libertex Portfolio terminal and open a buy position on the Gilead Sciences Inc stock by 19:00 GMT on 13/12/2021 and in order to receive the dividend payment, the position must remain open until 19:00 GMT on 12/14/2021.

The dividend payment received varies as the number of shares purchased varies, and the payment will be credited within one week.

To keep up to date on upcoming dividend initiatives, contact the support team and visit the official ForexClub website.

Go to Libertex Official Website

Features of the Libertex account Portfolio offered by ForexClub

The main features of the new Libertex Wallet account offered by ForexClub are as follows.

  1. No commissions or additional costs.
  2. None SWAP.
  3. None Stop Out.
  4. Stock trading available.
  5. Payment of dividends made both monthly and quarterly.
  6. Account designed to facilitate any type of investment, thereby increasing trading volume.

Open Libertex’s Account

Gilead Sciences Inc dividends with ForexClub

Gilead Sciences Inc dividends with ForexClub, guaranteed income!

Open a Gilead Sciences Inc position with ForexClub and receive dividend payments with ForexClub.

The online broker ForexClub, part of the International Financial Commission, which offers its services without interruption since 1997, has recently launched the new type of account Libertex Portfolio which will give every trader the right to invest and receive unconditional income.

The new initiative proposed by ForexClub provides that all traders who opt for the opening of the new Libertex Portfolio account will be able to join a fantastic initiative through which it will be possible to collect payments from the income deriving from the Gilead Sciences Inc. dividends.

Receive Dividends through Libertex

Investing with ForexClub

International company active since 1997 in the investment market and online trading offers excellent services to be able to invest in a wide range of financial instruments.

The main tools available for investments are the following.

  1. Stocks
    Possibility to invest in shares and CFDs on shares.
  2. Cryptocurrencies
    Being able to invest in BitCoin, 0x, Aave (AAVEUSD), Aave (LANDUSD), Algorand, Avalanche, Axie Infinity,
    BCH / BTC, Binance Coin and much more.
  3. Metals.
    Gold, silver, platinum and other metals.
  4. Natural resources
    Like oil and gas.
  5. ETF
  6. Indexes
  7. Agricultural products

Go to Libertex Official Website

Platforms available with ForexClub

ForexClub has a range of trading platforms capable of meeting the needs of every trader.

Libertex online platform
Online platform that does not require any download that allows access to financial markets around the world in less than a minute to be able to invest from anywhere in the world and withdraw profits instantly.
Libertex Mobile App
Extremely useful for on-the-go traders who feel it is necessary to keep the financial markets under control at any time and in any place.
MT4 (MetaTrader4)
One of the most used platforms in the world, a solution suitable for both professional and new traders to the world of trading.
MT5 (MetaTrader5)
Platform that has improvements over the older MT4.

Find out more about Libertex