When Swap Point is charged? How to calculate it beforehand? Table of Contents

What is a Forex Swap Rate?

Cash indexes and commodities are settled at the end of each business day, server time 00:00.

Since SuperForex is not involved in the actual trading, all positions left open at the end of the trading day will be rolled over on the new starting date and exposed to swap charges or credits.

For Forex trading, which opens from Wednesday to Thursday depending on server time, the new start date will be Monday instead of weekend.

This means that the rollover fee for Wednesday night will be three times the normal value shown in the table.

Cash indexes and commodities are settled on the same day, so trading on the weekends from Friday to Monday will result in a three-day swap, which is three times the normal value.

Also, since crude oil is directly derived from futures contracts, there is no overnight swap of crude oil.

What is Swap Point (Interest Rate) in the Forex market?

How is the Forex swap rate determined?

Forex swap rates are affected by market conditions and interest rates of the member countries of the selected Forex currency pair.

The daily release rate is calculated on the part of the financial institution’s partner using risk management analysis.

Each Forex currency pair has its own Forex swap fee.

Interest is paid in the currency sold and received in the currency purchased.

Find out more about Swap Points

How do I get the latest Forex swap rate?

For the latest Forex swap rates, see the Market Watch panel on the SuperForex MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform.

Follow the steps below.

  1. Find the product in the MarketWatch window. Right-click and select “Symbols”;
  2. Select the product you want to display from the list. Select Specifications;
  3. Here you can view both long and short forex swap rates.

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