What is Tradeview's MT4 Bridge? How does it work? Table of Contents

Manage risk with the MetaTrader 4 Bridge

Through Tradeview’s vast experience and valuable relationships with liquidity providers, banking institutions, and sophisticated technology providers, Tradeview offers unified institutional services to help you take your brokerage company to a higher level and achieve your business goals.

Having the proper tools to monitor the level of accessibility of other parties to your MT4 server is necessary. With the Tradeview plug-in you retain full control with the ability to delegate certain accounts to the Bridge.

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What is an MT4 Bridge connection?

The MT4 Bridge connection is a plug-in for the MetaQuotes software, MetaTrader 4.

The plug-in allows a server running MetaTrader 4 to offload risk to another MetaTrader 4 server.

People who have their own MT4 server might not want to delegate all the functionality to another company. With this plug-in you retain all functionality with the ability to delegate certain accounts to the Bridge.

As you transfer risk through the Bridge, your company accounts will be represented as a single Omnibus account and will be hidden on the Bridge server. You will continue to be in control of the maintenance of your back office.

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What difference is this app from other solutions?

The MT4 Bridge is not a rigid solution; it provides the flexibility you would like from your own server with the ability to selectively offload risk.

While working with basic MT4 might require giving someone else access to your server, the Bridge plug-in allows you to keep your information private.

The MT4 Bridge plug-in also allows you to control your leverage and the size of your contracts. These calculations are made in the calculation so they will not be the same on the two servers.

This solution is offered to you as a product and not as a recommended configuration. You will be provided with the Bridge plug-in and a step-by-step guide for installing and working with this solution.

Tradeview’s team at Tradeview Forex will work with you to ensure that once the plug-in is delivered it is installed correctly.

It’s simple, request a confidentiality agreement (NDA) at tradeview@tradeviewforex.com. A technical representative will contact you and guide you to set up your Omnibus account.

Once you return the agreement, Tradeview will send you the installation information, contacts and account information to access your new Bridge MT4 solution.

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Technical support and assistance by Tradeview

Even after installing and activating the MT4 Bridge plug-in, questions may arise, Tradeview Forex is dedicated to helping you answer such questions and provide or find any solutions that Tradeview can.

When you receive your account details, you will be connected to Tradeview’s trading desk for questions related to your account.

Tradeview’s trading desk and technical support teams are available around the clock and Tradeview looks forward to a strong relationship in the MT4 environment.

Find out more about Tradeview’s MT4 Bridge