To participate to LiteForex’s MT4 and MT5 Demo Trading Contest, please follow the steps below.

The clients from the USA, Japan, Israel and EU countries may not participate in this demo contest.

1. Register for LiteForex’s service

Register online for LiteForex’s service from below.

LiteForex Official Website

Trading account that is used for Demo account will be opened later, so you can open any types of account first.

2. Verify your account information

To verify your account information, you must submit copies of ID and POA (Proof of Address).

Account verification is mandatory for fund withdrawal and other applications.

3. Confirm your participation to the Contest

Login to the client portal in the Official Website and confirm your participation to the contest.

Once you apply, contest Demo account will be opened automatically.

4. Trade and win the contest

Contest runs every month.

You can only trade within the contest period which is from the first of each month at 00:00:01 till the last of the month at 23:59:59, according to the server time GMT +2 (as indicated on the trading platform).

For the full information about the promotion, please visit the page below.

LiteForex Demo Trading Contest details