You can withdraw profits made in FBS’s $140 No Deposit Bonus account.

To be able to withdraw the profits, you must trade at least 5 lots for 20 active trading days with max 5 days missed.

You must meet this condition within 40 days from the date you received the bonus.

Once you meet the condition, you can manually withdraw the profits from the account as you want.

To withdraw profits from the account, you need to log in to the client cabinet from FBS Official Website and request the transfer.

Log in to FBS’s Client Portal

Note that the amount of profit you can withdraw cannot exceed the bonus amount itself.

For example, if you have received only 70 USD of FBS’s Level Up Bonus, then the maximum amount of profit you can withdraw from the account is also 70 USD.

If you have received 140 USD of FBS’s Level Up Bonus, then the maximum amount of profit you can withdraw from the account is also 140 USD.

You can make a withdrawal request from the account with FBS’s Level Up Bonus only once.

Go to FBS Official Website