
Join in HotForex’s Loyalty Program, and you can earn “HotForex Bars” every time you make a trade.

Your accumulated “HotForex Bars” can be exchanged for cash rewards, gifts and special services.

More you trade, more the rewards you can earn through this program.

You can participate in this promotion with live accounts of any account types.

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HotForex Loyalty Program

HotForex’s Loyalty Program constantly runs for all traders of the broker.

Here are the main information and rules of the promotion.

Promotion Type Loyalty Program (Trading Bonus)
Available For All traders of HotForex
Maximum Reward Amount Unlimited
Types of Reward Cash Reward, Autochartist, VPS Package and Private session with a HotForex
Market Analyst
Promotion Period Unlimited

HotForex’s Loyalty Program rewards you for the unlimited time period and amount.

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How to participate in HotForex’s Loyalty Program?

Follow the steps below to participate in HotForex’s Loyalty Program today.

  1. Open HotForex Real Account
    You can participate in this promotion with any account types except PAMM Master and Investor accounts, Demo accounts and Contest accounts.
  2. Confirm your participation in the promotion
    To participate, you need to register your myHF account to the HotForex Trading Rewards loyalty program.
  3. Start trading and earn HotForex Bars
    After you joined in the program, you will start earning HotForex Bars for every time you trade. The HotForex Bars are calculated and credited into your myHF account daily.
  4. Exchange HotForex Bars for rewards
    There are many types of rewards and special services you can earn by exchanging the HotForex Bars.

In the next section, you can find the list of rewards available for participants of loyalty program and the required HotForex Bars for each reward.

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Rewards and Gifts for Loyal Traders

There are various rewards and special services that you can exchange for, with HotForex Bars.

Here are the list of rewards and the number of HotForex Bars required:

Cash Reward 1 USD* 35 HotForex Bars
1 Month Subscription to Autochartist 150
1 Month Access to VPS Silver Package 1100
1 Hour private session with a HotForex Market Analyst 2500
3 Month Access to VPS Silver Package 3100
*The minimum number of HotForex Bars that can be converted to cash is 1000 bars. Cash Rewards can be traded or withdrawn.

The full list and the latest conditions can be found in HotForex Official Website.

Go to HotForex Official Website

How much HotForex Bars you can earn?

To start with, you will earn 100 HotForex Bars, once:

you open a real trading account with HotForex, and deposit at least 300 USD or 250 EUR (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and verify the account with documents.

Then, you will continue earning more by trading in your live trading accounts.

The amount of HotForex Bars you can earn depends on the “Loyalty Level” you are in as follows:

Loyalty Level HotForex Bars per standard lot
Red Level 6
Silver level 8
Gold Level 10
Platinum Level 12

Only closed positions of Forex pairs, Gold and Silver will be included to the calculation of the HotForex Bars.

Any positions closed within 5 minutes or have less than 5 pips difference from the opening price, won’t be qualified for any HotForex Bars.

In the next section, you can find the requirements for upgrade to higher loyalty level.

Open HotForex Real Account

Requirements for each Loyalty Level

Your loyalty level within HotForex’s Loyalty Program depends on the number of cumulative active trading days (calendar days) which you have opened and/or closed a trade.

Deposit/ withdrawal transactions do not count towards the active trading day status.

The required active trading days for each loyalty level are as follows:

Loyalty Level Required Active Trading Days
Red level Only account opening
Silver level 31 days
Gold level 62 days
Platinum level 105 days
If there is a period of inactivity of 30 days or more, you will be demoted to the lowest loyalty level and your loyalty balance will be set to zero.

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