How's the trading condition of EUR/USD the most popular FX pair? Table of Contents

Trade EUR/USD (Forex) on FXCM

Even if you’ve never traded forex, you’ve probably traded EUR / USD.

There is no denying: EUR / USD is the big hitter in the forex market.

The pair consistently ranks as the most traded in the world, often accounting for a quarter of global FX volume (over $ 5 trillion in average daily trades).

The vastness of the two regions involved in this pair explains this hegemony.

The United States and the eurozone have two of the largest economies, so even new entrants with the most basic knowledge of the global economy can exchange views on the direction both economies might take.

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Invest in EUR/USD market on FXCM

How to smartly invest in EUR/USD market?

Major events in the eurozone have been a major driver of interest in EUR / USD trading.

In recent years, we have seen riots in the area that have sparked interest from global investors.

The Greek debt crisis, for example, not only caused turmoil within Greece, but also for currency traders, as they rode a wave of volatility with each austerity, bailout and other economic policy measures announced.

As traders saw imminent doom in the announcements, they sold EUR / USD, believing that the value of the euro would decline against the US dollar.

Others saw stabilizing features in the Greek government’s policies and bought EUR / USD, believing the euro would rise again.

Brexit has also offered a fascinating trading opportunity for EUR / USD.

As the British vote to leave the EU approached, traders took their views on the market, using the stability of the US dollar to speculate on the impact a yes or no vote would have on EUR / USD volatility.

One of the most interesting aspects is the relationship between the two currencies, the euro, and the US dollar.

The US dollar is one of the oldest currencies still in circulation, launched in 1792 as the official currency of the United States, while the euro is one of the newest, introduced in 1999 as the official currency of 19 eurozone countries.

The US dollar is used more frequently than any other currency, closely followed by the euro.

What’s your take on these two global economies? Do you think the US dollar will rise in value against the euro or that the European economy will straighten out against the contention of recent years?

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