By joining HotForex Supercharged Rebate promotion, you can get up to 8,000 USD, 6,000 EUR, 1,000,000 NGN or equivalent amount in other currencies.

HotForex Supercharged Bonus includes 100% Deposit Bonus which you can double up your deposit amount (both first and subsequent deposits).

The rebate amount is 0.2 pip per lot.

For trading on Gold, you will earn 2 USD per 2 standard lot.

The rebate bonus amount will be paid directly into the your trading Account at 02:00 server time once a day.

Rules to get rebate bonus on MT4

There are several rules that you must follow in order to get rebate in your MT4 account.

Trading Volume
Only positions over 0.2 lots qualify for Rebates
Period of Open Position
Only positions which are opened over 2 minutes will be qualified for the full rebate (0.2 pip)
Open positions for less than 1 minute are not eligible to earn rebates.
Open positions for more than one minute, but less than two minutes qualify for 50% of the stated rebate amount.

HotForex Official Website